Website maintenance is scheduled for Saturday, January 18, and Sunday, January 19. Short disruptions will occur during these days.

  • Bringing the primary care perspective to policy decisions.

    The Robert Graham Center offers insights on primary care physicians and patients to ensure policy development reflects their unique needs. Insights are offered as reports, presentations and published articles, plus interactive maps, data displays and curriculum.

    The Center exists to improve individual and population healthcare delivery through the generation of evidence that brings a primary care perspective to health policy.

    From inception, it was decided that the Center’s activity would blend research to support the Academy’s policy development and advocacy efforts and Center-initiated studies.

    The Robert Graham Center regularly partners with individuals and institutions to conduct or support primary care research and to expand its capacity for such research.

    From medical education and workforce to access to care and public and community health, read historical reports of the Center's activity and areas of focus.


    Who We Are

    The Robert Graham Center staff is made up of a group of clinician researchers as well as a variety of social scientists from sociologists to geographers to economists. Supporting the work of the Graham Center is our Steering Committee (formerly the Advisory Board), which provides advice and guidance to aid in navigating the important policy issues facing primary care.